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战报 | 王俊杰《白光》领衔!华艺国际试水上海市场夺得“开门红” |
成 交价:747.5万元
Png图像/0.86mb/IPFS hosted创作 2020
NFT ID:6388
智能合约地址:0x3ad503084f1bd8d15a7f5e be7a038c064e1e3fa1
成交价:724 .5万元
赵赵《星空》300x250cm×4... |
13/11/21 02:42 | United States | m-news.artron.net |
josephsenbernstein392058 - PukiWiki |
I have actually just moved this Internet site to IPFS, and this defines how I did it, why I did it and my experience up ... manager and also much more recently the IPFS immutable, dispersed cache. With this thinking out of the means, I'll define... |
13/11/21 01:44 | Japan | kimimoru.minibird.jp |
十问LinkDNS.COM 怎样做好全球化的域名NFT平台 |
LinkDNS:是的,我认可2021是NFT的大年。众所周知,我们正经历由Def i、波卡、IPFS等赛道带来的牛市。在这次牛市中,我们看到,不止有技术、模式上的创新,也有灰度这样的 华尔街机构携巨资入场,还有马一龙这样的世界级企业家公开喊单。但是,如果我们透过现象 来看下本质,就会发现,其实核心的因素,是因为区块链技术在全球的共识上已经得到越来越 多的验证和认可。
我们知道,defi主打的是开放金融,波卡主打的是跨链技术、IPFS主打的是分布式存储。本质上,这几个都是非常底层的技术和通用型的基础设... |
13/11/21 00:29 | China | 0759zz.com |
SCRIV NETWORK (SCRIV) Market Cap Tops $34,773.28 |
...technology that delivers state-of-the-art data assurance, verication, time-stamping and an IPFS (InterPlanetary File Sharing) network. The Network is designed to provide safety, impartiality, and cost-efficiency without the need for a third-party... |
12/11/21 23:30 | United States | watchlistnews.com |
百丽宫网站入口 |
广州则被认为是生活压力最小的一线城市,近年来产业发展与人口 增长都十分亮眼,却没有像深圳和东莞一样实现出生率的大幅增长。动力方面,威飒将提供2 .0L燃油版和2.5L混动版车型 |
12/11/21 22:02 | China | 7.waycapitalvietnam.com |
Denarius (D) 24 Hour Trading Volume Reaches $941.00 |
...Stake (6% APR) entirely after the first 3 years. Denarius also has Proof of Data and IPFS built into the wallet. The wallet runs on all existing Operating Systems and for those who use Coinomi wallet, you can find it there as well. Denarius has a... |
12/11/21 18:48 | United States | com-unik.info |
波卡第一轮插槽拍卖的竞拍项目,都有哪些新面孔?|代币|dao|clover_网易订 阅 |
Clover Finance
Clover是一个跨链智能合约平台,主打能让以太坊上现有的De Fi项目无缝迁移到波卡上。
作为一个区块链操作系统,Clover可以分为存储层、 智能合约层、DeFi协议层和eApp层。
存储协议层支持dApp数据的 分布式存储,目前支持的协议有IPFS、AR、CRUST等。
支持dApp的一站式跨链部署和调用。现有的 波卡生态的dApp迁移到Clover的话无需任何更改。
支持交 易、借贷、保险等各种基础DeFi协议,... |
12/11/21 15:55 | China | 163.com |
What exactly is IPFS? |
...blockchain data via IPFS. Users who store data on IPFS will be rewarded with Filecoin.
How does IPFS work?
Let's imagine ... download on IPFS you don't need to remember the hash assigned to that content, every content on IPFS can be found using... |
12/11/21 15:55 | United Kingdom | webnuz.com |
How to Exploit a Solidity Constructor |
...source code hash, used for source checking on a distributed storage system such as IPFS and Swarm. It is never designed for the EVM, nor is it executed by the EVM. \ Applications such as Etherscan or the web3 wallet recognize **==Auxdata==** and... |
12/11/21 15:28 | United States | hackernoon.com |
connorrandrup531747 - PukiWiki |
...life. I think about IPFS as resembling BitTorrent?: to obtain a documents from IPFS, pieces of it are fetched from any ... I tackled changing my Internet site to IPFS. There is an additional way, though. Selling from a site held with EAPH is... |
12/11/21 14:55 | Japan | kimimoru.minibird.jp |
Web3 Explained |
...addressing, files stored using IPFS are automatically versioned.
IPFS powers the creation of diversely resilient networks ... coffee shop wi-fi.
The way IPFS works is that when you add a file to IPFS, your file is split into smaller chunks... |
12/11/21 14:07 | United States | nanowerk.com |
ASCII.jp:“Azure BaaS”構想など、MSがブロックチェーンへの取り組み説明 |
...Service)”は、Azure上でブロックチェーン技術を利用したアプリケーション の開発を容易にしていくためのビジョン。具体的には、「Ethereum」「Rippl e」「IPFS」などさまざまなブロックチェーンサービスをAzure上に用意し、開発者がアプリケー ションを開発する際に、バックエンドサービスとしてすぐにブロックチェーンを利用できる 環境を提供するというものだ。
Azureクラウドのエグゼクティブプロダクトマネー ジャーを務める大谷氏は、マイクロソフトではAzureを「よりインテリジェン... |
12/11/21 13:12 | Japan | ascii.jp |
Origin Protocol Trading Up 17.4% Over Last Week (OGN) |
) to transact on the distributed, open web. Using the Ethereum blockchain and Interplanetary File System (IPFS), the platform and its community participants can interact in a peer-to-peer fashion, allowing for the creation and booking of services... |
12/11/21 09:26 | United States | com-unik.info |
TezTools.io |
@ambergrids @dns TezTools is actually responsible for the migration, DNS helped checked contracts and is handling IPFS pinning along with starting to look at the code to address bugs and any open PRs that may have been stalled. DNS will be key going forward as we build out the new system. |
13/11/21 03:12 | United States | twitter.com |
samking.eth |
@samecwilliams @kingersoll @pixlpa @ardriveapp admittedly, I've only ever done purely on-chain stuff without IPFS 😅 so I need to figure out how to even prepare all the metadata and images that calculator is nice though, $6 for the whole collection give or take |
12/11/21 20:47 | United States | twitter.com |
Artnome |
@momack28 @originalcvk @infura_io @club_nft @CRYPtomCHAMBERS @IPFS Awesome! |
12/11/21 20:44 | United States | twitter.com |
トレスト🐺 |
IPFSのようにワイもいつ消えてなくなるかわからないので、濃密で能動的な広報マンも分散して 欲しい。。物申すマンがダメとは思わんけど幅利かせ過ぎてきた傾向にも変化がほしい、バ ランスが😌 (運営の広報ガーとかはちゃう、どうでもいい) #Symbol #NEM |
12/11/21 20:17 | Japan | twitter.com |
Purple Tardigrade 👾 |
12/ Additionally maybe, it would be possible to have a fraction of every NFT transaction sent to this common pinning pool. But maybe at this point it makes even sense for this pool to be an alternative to IPFS from the ground up, to be tailored to NFTs and serve this purpose for |
12/11/21 19:49 | United States | twitter.com |
Purple Tardigrade 👾 |
11/ Another option could be to build a decentralized system which would have a common pool to pay for pinning all existing NFTs, so instead of marketplaces directly paying IPFS, they could send the payment to this common pool. |
12/11/21 19:49 | United States | twitter.com |
Purple Tardigrade 👾 |
8/ that they will need to take over the responsibility of paying IPFS. But this might not be the case and the new collector might not even be aware of ‘revived NFTs’, then suddenly after some time their prized NFT will loose the visual part, leaving them disappointed. |
12/11/21 19:49 | United States | twitter.com |
samking.eth |
It's just a shame you can't do fully on-chain jpegs. Who wants to join an IPFS pinning collective? I'm ordering a Raspberry Pi after I tweet this. h/t @pixlpa for the IPFS pinning collective idea |
12/11/21 19:42 | United States | twitter.com |
Johan van den Heuvel |
@robertpijkeren Tijd om over te stappen naar decentrale alternatieven: Facebook: Minds , Diaspora YouTube: Minds, LBRY (Odysee), https://t.co/KmD5iDfPGz , PeerTube Reddit: Aether Twitter: Mastodon Instagram: Karma WhatsApp: Session, Matrix, Xmpp Dropbox: IPFS, Storj, Arweave Web: IPFS DNSLink |
12/11/21 19:36 | Netherlands | twitter.com |
Alibaba Cloud is actively discussing and planning IPFS. At the "Interstellar Walkthrough Guide • Competing in the Central Plains • IPFS Technology and Application Research Forum". #filex #filfeeds #fina #crypto #luckyhash #ipfs #blockchain https://t.co/DzDWZ5bIDB |
12/11/21 18:12 | United States | twitter.com |
Andreas @ DynamicEyeStudios.TEZ/ETH |
@TezosHunter @kalamint_io @objktcom @HenextXyz @hicathon @TezTools @dns @ByteBlockNFT @AkaswapCom Unless you minted on OpenSea with their own contract without using IPFS like I did in the early days. |
12/11/21 17:30 | United States | twitter.com |
Proto Gold DAO |
Show your #community that your token's team and #liquidity allocations are #secure. Create customizable lockups and #vesting periods with ONE #ProtoLock. Metadata is stored on a decentralized peer-to-peer file system (IPFS). #Transparent 0.5% flat fee. 0 hidden fees! $Proto #DAO https://t.co/VdNmj32zyP |
12/11/21 17:02 | United States | twitter.com |
Cryptermerry |
@pooja_eth @cameron @Filecoin @IPFS @opensea @ourZORA @withFND @NEARProtocol @0xPolygon @flow_blockchain Dont miss to join and participate $KABY MX Defi stake your $MX or $BIT and earn liquidity yields of $KABY https://t.co/3iMTxi8GCE |
12/11/21 16:17 | United States | twitter.com |
CaRoLyN 💎✨ |
@sophiesaidso @Andyofwindsor defi ensures only one record of the ledger can be used to resurrect the whole project. and decentralized file storage w/ IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) makes it seamless with all the art uploaded. It's a beautiful case study in the resilience of defi community. |
12/11/21 16:02 | United States | twitter.com |
CaRoLyN 💎✨ |
@sophiesaidso @Andyofwindsor Tokens & transactions all recorded on the Tezos blockchain. Art data is stored in IPFS. So all that happened was a new website that serves the same function. It’s all still there & I believe that you are able to buy, sell & mint already. |
12/11/21 15:57 | United States | twitter.com |
🚀 Ravencoin Assets 🚀 |
Giving away a @SkaPunks NFT to a random person who retweets this Make sure you are following so I can DM you #Ravencoin #NFTCommunity #IPFS |
12/11/21 15:10 | United States | twitter.com |
dreamingdigitally |
@objktcom @tezos @pointline_ Hi everyone, I tried creating a collection last night directly on @objktcom and once again today but it gets stuck on "Uploading data to ipfs" (see screenshot below) and essentially it does not go through if left running... Anyone else experiencing this as well? https://t.co/sMGHIhF5YW |
12/11/21 14:29 | Canada | twitter.com |
Metis |
@BlockGeekDima @DefiSociety @stonecoldpat0 Please feel free to DM us anytime. Between offering transactions of a few cents/few seconds once we release IPFS (with cheap on-chain storage), no-code middleware, DACs, and a full decentralization roadmap (https://t.co/yIegkr1361), we offer huge advantages over all other L2s. |
12/11/21 13:42 | United States | twitter.com |
Beeru Jaat |
@Ecchi_Coin 💰Money Tree 🌴 @MoneyTreeCoin Launched on BSC Multiple 💯% on-chain games 🎮 *Win $Money/Nft 1 million upgradeable NFTs on IPFS *Weekly lottery *Weekly devidends from NFT sales *Partnership with CHAINLINK |
12/11/21 13:39 | United States | twitter.com |
Beeru Jaat |
@Iunatico_feliz 💰Money Tree 🌴 @MoneyTreeCoin Launched on BSC Multiple 💯% on-chain games 🎮 *Win $Money/Nft 1 million upgradeable NFTs on IPFS *Weekly lottery *Weekly devidends from NFT sales *Partnership with CHAINLINK |
12/11/21 13:31 | United States | twitter.com |
iain |
it seems like the minting contract is okay for HEN but what about the IPFS pins? What’s happening for those? |
12/11/21 13:11 | United States | twitter.com |
cory.eth |
@freeslugs Ya so I have to rely on the existence and good will of a corporation? That's not really decentralized. Afaik, Arweave is the only decentralized permanent storage solution. IPFS fails as soon as you don't have at least two nodes pinning your url. Because then you can rug. |
12/11/21 13:05 | Ethiopia | twitter.com |
cory.eth |
Why is Arweave not more popular? Who is going to pay to pin all these IPFS files until the end of time? Feel like a lot of people aren't buying what they think they are. I hope you're willing to keep your investment pinned in IPFS when no one else cares to. |
12/11/21 12:46 | Ethiopia | twitter.com |
Mahesh |
@bitpanda @decentraland @UMAprotocol @DigiByteCoin @Algorand @NEMofficial 💰Money Tree 🌴 @MoneyTreeCoin Launched on BSC Multiple 💯% on-chain games 🎮 *Win $Money/Nft 1 million upgradeable NFTs on IPFS *Weekly lottery *Weekly devidends from NFT sales *Partnership with CHAINLINK |
12/11/21 12:28 | United States | twitter.com |
Radio-Radio |
ん?どこぞのNFTサービス終わるの?それは元データをオンチェーンではなくてIPFSとかに保存してる系ですかね? IPFSとかではなくチェーンそのものにデータを乗せるフルオンチェーンNFTというものがあり ましてね😏 楽しみだなNFT-Drive😇 |
12/11/21 12:19 | Japan | twitter.com |
Beeru Jaat |
@kuyawat @IdKalimantan 💰Money Tree 🌴 @MoneyTreeCoin Launched on BSC Multiple 💯% on-chain games 🎮 *Win $Money/Nft 1 million upgradeable NFTs on IPFS *Weekly lottery *Weekly devidends from NFT sales *Partnership with CHAINLINK |
12/11/21 11:50 | United States | twitter.com |
なちゃっと |
HENっていうNFTプラットフォームが逝ってしまったらしい。画像はIPFSに残ってるから問題ないってツイートが複数あるけどそれって本当に大丈夫? |
12/11/21 09:55 | Japan | twitter.com |
Yu Ayato / VJyou.eth |
@missbitcoin_mai 今回の場合NFT自体はまだTezosチェーンにあるけど、ETHで言うopense aみたいな便利なサイトが無いからNFT動かすのが大変そう。 そして、HENのIPFSの契約終了次第、作家本人がpin留してないNFTは全部リンク切れになりそう。 IPFSは誰かがサーバー代払い続けないと永遠ではない問題が現実に。 |
12/11/21 09:26 | Japan | twitter.com |
TezTools.io |
@TezosCasa every piece of IPFS content in the hicdex is being repined by DNS to preserve the NFTs content on the IPFS network. |
12/11/21 06:37 | United States | twitter.com |
Dave Hops McCloud 🦄 |
@SarahJamieLewis My first thought with web3 was "isn't that just rehashed ipfs and freenet with a grift on top?" |
12/11/21 05:35 | United States | twitter.com |
Crust (CRU) Price Tops $42.40 on Major Exchanges |
According to CryptoCompare, “CRUST provides a decentralized storage network of Web3 ecosystem. It supports multiple storage layer protocols such as IPFS, and exposes storage interfaces to application layer. Crust's technical stack is also capable... |
12/11/21 23:16 | United States | modernreaders.com |
Category Casino page 10 |
424, we specify the methodology for calculating the federal per diem base rate for ipfs. Includes works with a hammer price of at least eur 200,000 excluding auction costs! We goal to develop testing to further devices like ipads and amazon have... |
12/11/21 22:28 | United States | walkingsoftlyupontheearth.com |
SCRIV NETWORK (SCRIV) Market Cap Tops $34,773.28 |
...technology that delivers state-of-the-art data assurance, verication, time-stamping and an IPFS (InterPlanetary File Sharing) network. The Network is designed to provide safety, impartiality, and cost-efficiency without the need for a third-party... |
12/11/21 19:30 | United States | tickerreport.com |
AXEL One Day Volume Reaches $288,957.00 (AXEL) |
AXEL Go is driven by two different decentralized technologies: the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) and blockchain. AXEL Go uses its own cryptocurrency, the AXEL Token, as the fuel to facilitate sharing across the network. Every time the user... |
12/11/21 19:24 | United States | wkrb13.com |
...Supply Chain Based on Blockchain and IPFS |
...technical advantages of IPFS. The blockchain technology can magnify the function of IPFS, while IPFS can overcome the data ... performance difference between IPFS and Bc-IPFS.
Comparing the size of files on Bc-IPFS and the size of file metadata on... |
12/11/21 16:15 | United Kingdom | hindawi.com |
Перша Community AMA від Masa. - сhudic - Medium |
Кожен може отримати історію даних, ви можете побудувати розподіл ліквідності.
А потім можна провести регресійний аналіз метаданих, що зберігаються в блоці IPFS, щоб зрозуміти, які дані мають найбільш вигідні риси, а потім як їх кластеризувати, щоб... |
12/11/21 10:58 | United States | medium.com |
DeHive Announces Strategic Partnership With Metis💥🥳 |
At the moment, the Metis ecosystem consists of the Metis Layer 2 protocol, native IPFS-based data storage, numerous revenue-driving features such as builder mining that generates $METIS tokens with every transaction on Metis Layer 2, and a DAC... |
12/11/21 10:23 | United States | medium.com |
Lepasa — Fine Art 3d Game Ready Nfts |
...retrieved from the smart contract metadata. As of today the Inter-Planetary File System (IPFS) that provides a mature solution for the requirements, shall be used.
P2P Layer — Peer-to-peer connections are required to provide interactions between... |
12/11/21 09:10 | United States | harumcrypto93.blogspot.com |
Filecoin即将开启智能合约应用之旅 - IPFS元宇宙全球社区 - Medium |
更加值得关注的是,区块链世界中的各个产品并不是闭合的,而是开放的。Filecoi n采用EVM,有助于Filecoin与以太坊两者生态之间的跨链沟通和交流,有助于所 有已经使用IPFS和 Filecoin的Dapp以及绝大多数NFT等都能实现良好连接,这不仅有助于加深 Filecoin和ETH之间的合作,更有助于多方的长期发展。至于后期Filecoi n能不能赶上以太坊或超越以太坊,就只能交给时间。
如果您有兴趣帮助 FVM... |
12/11/21 07:41 | United States | medium.com |
知县:UniPass 与它的 Web 3.0 大规模应用愿景 - Nervos 中文站 - Medium |
...UniPass 本地密钥存储,不可导出。不可导出怎么灾备,是另一个问题。
前面我们讲了怎么通过 邮件做 social recovery, 我们的前端是可以独立运行的,可以放在 IPFS 上,放在任何开源的地方,大家直接下载下来运行即可。我们现在用的 PWA 技术,可以在电脑或者手机的桌面上直接缓存一个类似 App 的东西,断网的时候也可以用,完全不依赖于 UniPass 的后端。这是在架构上的一个区分。
第三个是关于环境安全。Torus 用的其实是 iPhone,它的 Key... |
12/11/21 06:34 | United States | medium.com |
Tune.fm Beta Now Open! - kacey miciela - Medium |
Tune is a music streaming platform, powered by Hedera Hashgraph and storing your music collection in IPFS forever and always accessible and in your reach. With JAM token micropayments, tune is the first streaming platform where artists can earn... |
11/11/21 17:21 | United States | medium.com |
Discussions |
34 new results
bynbv blvxy bbaqg |
...wzcs ksia tskr vefc suwn iexp mfee ayie gnpr wudd ppqp pong zvyt lqzd fcvy tsnn rvpz ipfs iirf rjbt qxtx yfag bgmv vqrp tsbs dptv sytb etjc wedr domo avyo cxkb rghp yhyc kizr yjtp hchi lmxb awaa zfzl buwb oddm czev pkxn zlrw oqxe ybei psff wytc bqtg... |
13/11/21 02:40 | United States | xupdates.com |
Start transcoding on win 10 PC Livepool.io |
...se/nvidia-patch/tree/master/win) 3. Download latest Win\_1337\_Apply\_Patch tool (IPFS mirror). Extract it 4. Download driver 472.12 (check if GPU is compatible with this driver, in my case it's a RTX 2070 and 2070s) on this page (link to Nvidia... |
12/11/21 21:09 | United States | reddit.com |
The case for NFTs + Myths + Problems |
For these projects, your ownership of the NFT never changes, but the art could disappear or mutate. The best practice is for art to be stored on something like IPFS which is decentralized storage. \... |
12/11/21 20:46 | United States | reddit.com |
Lazy minting with IPFS |
...does it then get deployed on IPFS? Most examples and others I've seen does the egg/chest in which I think the developers just look at what tokens had been generated and put those images on IPFS for the hatch/open date. I'm thinking real time, NFT is... |
12/11/21 19:22 | United States | reddit.com |
brave browser Business & Finance 4chan |
...websites, so you need to disable those all the time. It's nice that I can access .eth and IPFS websites by default now, but I still get ads in some places and they require KYC to withdraw coins. The biggest problem I have with it is sometimes it... |
12/11/21 17:11 | United States | 4chan.org |
Nftってなんの価値もないよな |
...23:32:44.80ID:VrZK00Sf 使い道ってあんまりないわ 132承認済み名無しさん2021/10/26(火) 00:29:20.05ID:7uKNt6jU それはNFTじゃなくてIPFSの領分 133承認済み名無しさん2021/10/26(火) 00:55:21.17ID:vtBcprlp テックが普遍的価値観を大事にするために 倫理をもって使われるものだとすれば それらに価値がないというのは普遍的価値観画大事でない。... |
12/11/21 14:42 | Japan | menu.5ch.net |
🔥 A Meme App, not a meme Coin! 🔥 |
...Smart Chain and the Polygon Network) using IPFS(A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol). Post all your memes in the app and ... high for now. All of the data is stored on IPFS protocol (peer to peer protocol) The current application is a basic beta but... |
12/11/21 13:51 | United States | reddit.com |
What do you think about presearch search engine? |
...is to decentralise all that work that you mentioned like crawling and indexing by IPFS (and they use blockchain as a tool for mesuring the trustfulness and work of the nodes since nodes need to be staked and if they tampre in any way they can be... |
12/11/21 13:48 | United States | reddit.com |
Scanlation Thread Anime & Manga 4chan |
...even mangadex has something like that, and sure, I don't mind mado***i over, say, ipfs, but this stuff can still be extremely unreliable. I don't know why we'd need coins though, it's not efficient to store files on the blockchain and you don't need... |
12/11/21 11:30 | United States | 4chan.org |
Erc721, IPFS and metadata woes |
...like: ""ipfs://\[metadata dir CID\]/13" The JSON returned at that IPFS URI would look like: " { "image": "ipfs://\[image dir... Why did the original approach of just providing IPFS URI not work? Is there some problem with providing a postfix for the... |
11/11/21 15:02 | United States | reddit.com |