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BigchainDB deploy node and batch upload tool |
Wallet-ipfs-like table
Wallet address
IPFS hash code
Like-dislike, can only be number, -1,0,1
content table
IPFS hash ...
Ranking table
IPFS hash code
Provide batch upload tool for thousands of... |
12/11/21 10:59 | Colombia | freelancer.com.co |
BigchainDB deploy node and batch upload tool |
Wallet-ipfs-like table
Wallet address
IPFS hash code
Like-dislike, can only be number, -1,0,1
content table
IPFS hash ...
Ranking table
IPFS hash code
Provide batch upload tool for thousands of... |
12/11/21 10:48 | Pakistan | freelancer.pk |
协议实验室官方信息 |IPFS 激励层将分阶段推出 EVM 兼容的虚拟机 |
...等解决方案)。IPFS 激励层 虚拟机将本地用户定义的参与者引入 IPFS 激励层 网络。
兼容以太坊的 IPFS 激励层 虚拟机
最新的技术讨论始于 2021 年 6 月,在 IPFS 激励层 改进提案 113 下。IPFS 激励层 虚拟机 ... 以快速上手,或者在需要性能优化时升级为使用原生 actor。
扩大 IPFS 激励层 网络的影响
通过 FVM,IPFS 激励层 网络除了现有的存储能力外,还获得了计算能力。我们设想在 IPFS 激励层... |
12/11/21 08:55 | China | geekmeta.com |
Webamp IPFS media player; sample hash included;) |
Is it possible to create censorship-resistant IPFS based webapps? I mean, can't a webapp be combined with something similar to peertube and IPFS to create a public media player that you don't have to download neither the player nor the media? |
12/11/21 08:18 | United States | brianlovin.com |
隐藏在众目睽睽之下:复盘 etherscan 的零日漏洞 |
...个字节可以使用。毕竟,真正嵌入的元数据包含了另一个 Etherscan 也会忽略的 IPFS 哈希。
在打了一些代码高尔夫之后,我抵达了一个可以工作的后门。在第一个 IPFS 哈希中,我会立即弹出刚刚推送的地址,然后跳转到第二个 IPFS 哈希。在那里,我会哈希调用方,并部分设置 memory/ 堆栈以调用 ecrecover。然后我会跳回第一个 IPFS 哈希,在那里我完成设置堆栈并执行调用。最后,我将分数乘数设置为等于 (msg.sender == ecrecover()) * 0x40... |
12/11/21 07:59 | China | geekmeta.com |
区块驿站 | Arweave x Mirror:协作打造Web3创作者经济_区块驿站_火星财经 |
16、这将区块“Weave”(编织)在一起并确保网络上的数据确实存在(不再出现4 04错误!)。
17、任何人都可以使用Chrome扩展创 建一个Arweave钱包,该协议也会让你开始使用一些初始代币!
只是为了尝试一下 ,我继续将这个早期的“Arweave网页截图”页面存档。
18、我相信Arwea ve是我喜欢称之为“创作者金字塔”的第1层。
19、. .. |
12/11/21 07:02 | China | news.huoxing24.com |
社区梳理近200个潜在空投机会的加密项目名单(二) |
...是面向创建者、策展人、贡献者的点对点网络,其基础设施包括建立、管理、衡量、通证化化 媒体资产。
BitSong 为去中心化的音乐流媒体平台,使用 Cosmos 区块链和 IPFS 分布式文件系统构建。它是一个致力于音乐家和听众的项目,旨在解决与音乐世界相关的主 要问题。音乐家在平台上能够制作歌曲,还可以收到粉丝为您的下一张专辑捐款;广告客户可 以在其中附加广告;用户可以从任何设备进行访问。
Desmos... |
12/11/21 04:51 | China | theblockbeats.com |
星际萤火|人民日报:IPFS将带来无盗版网络时代?_Firefly萤火虫科技_火星财经 |
作为区块链技术领域中比较主流的系统协议,近年来IPFS(InterPlanetary File System)大火了一番。IPFS也被称为“星际文件系统”,它 ... 传输协议。
“在IPFS协议中,文件在系统中如何存储、索引和传输都是提前定义好的,也就是将上传好的文件转换 成专门的数据格式进行存储;同时IPFS会将相同的文件进行哈希计算,确定其唯一的地址。”何晋说,IPFS与HTTP协议的最大区别在于,HTT... |
12/11/21 04:32 | China | news.huoxing24.com |
BES’te ‘paket satış’ dönemi başlıyor |
...destek verilmesi gerektiğini düşünüyorum.”
IPFS Brokerlik Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Nuri Gümürdülü: Şirketler, brokerlere BES ... imkân verdiği için olumlu olduğunu belirten IPFS Brokerlik Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Nuri Gümürdülü, şu görüşleri dile... |
12/11/21 03:41 | Turkey | akersigorta.net |
Can Filecoin Become the Next Bitcoin? |
...storage market in the future, the IPFS decentralized storage network cannot stand strong. Currently, the only factor IPFS lacks is a firm application basis. With the development of IPFS technology, Filecoin's ecosystem will surely usher in a... |
12/11/21 03:13 | Canada | steemkr.com |
行业关注《科技日报》IPFS报道 区块链“新风口”产业化如何实现? |
...局IPFS. 与此同时,以安迈云为代表的一批专注于去中心化领域的技术服务商也以底层技术输出者的 身份挺进IPFS领域。
据国内专注于分布式加密存储一体化技术服务企业安迈云相关负 责人介绍,该企业在IPFS领域 ...
除了像安迈云这样的企业在投入IPFS技术的研发,众多科研院所和高校也参与到了IPFS技术的研发,今年4月,复旦大学IPFS课题研发小组、中国产业发展研究院分布式存储研究中心、中科院云计算中心成立分布式存储 联合实验室陆续成立。由此看出IPFS产业化过... |
12/11/21 01:22 | China | sc.people.com.cn |
波卡众贷的机遇与风险 - GeekMeta 极客元素 - 区块链技术及应用分享社区 |
Crust Network
Crust Network目标是建立去中心化的云生态系统,实现分布式存储的激励层协议,适用于 多种存储层协议(例如IPFS),并为应用层提供支持。
Crust Network的总竞拍奖励为Crust总供应量的5%,共计一百万枚CRU代币,还 可以通过参与Clover The LUCKY Gachapon幸运扭蛋活动,获得额外奖励。Crust... |
11/11/21 22:22 | China | geekmeta.com |
大数据的发展是一把双刃剑,IPFS必将引领巨大的改革 |
而区块链项目Filecoin是一个基 于IPFS的去中心化存储网络,是IPFS上唯一的激励层。IPFS ... ecoin就是为成就IPFS而生的。存储器服务商提供存储服务,就可以获得Filecoin项目的代币FIL。相反 用户也可以花费FIL雇佣存储器服务商(矿工)来存储或分发数据。
大数据的发展是一 把双刃剑,IPFS必将引领巨大的变革
通过密码学加密,F... |
11/11/21 22:05 | China | 0453zz.com |
No Title |
The platform's infrastructure is built on Polkadot's substrate blockchain framework and IPFS tech stacks to support decentralized file storage. As such, users can create decentralized and censorship-resistant social media platforms.
Following the... |
11/11/21 20:33 | Mali | cryptocurrencynews.ml |
Not known Facts About Earn energy (NRGY) |
three. The 3rd is this is the 1st DeFi app hosted on the interplanetary file technique IPFS. This is truly a decentralized application which has no central servers to keep up or that may fall short. This also would make NRGY the first unstoppable... |
11/11/21 20:30 | United States | connerypcnl.isblog.net |
AXEL (AXEL) Tops 24-Hour Volume of $251,817.00 |
AXEL Go is driven by two different decentralized technologies: the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) and blockchain. AXEL Go uses its own cryptocurrency, the AXEL Token, as the fuel to facilitate sharing across the network. Every time the user... |
11/11/21 15:48 | United States | com-unik.info |
Subsocial 為 Kusama Slot Bid 發起眾籌拍賣 |
...是一個去中心化社交網絡和市場的開放平台。 使用 Subsocial,任何人都可以使用內置的貨幣化系統啟動自己的去中心化、抗審查的 社交媒體網絡。
與 圓點(DOT) 和 IPFS 技術堆棧,Subsocial 是位於 Dotsama 生態系統(Polkadot 和 Kusama)核心的社交網絡,它具有獨特的優勢,可以利用構成 Web3.0(價值互聯網)的工具和技術。
16.5 萬個 SUB 代幣等待搶購
根據與他人分享的新聞稿 BTCManager, 眾貸拍賣的捐款上限為 100,000... |
11/11/21 14:11 | United States | zh-tw.bitcoinethereumnews.com |
Hiding in Plain Sight |
...IPFS hash that Etherscan would also ignore.
After some code golfing, I arrived at a working backdoor. In the first IPFS ... got pushed, then jump to to the second IPFS hash. There, I would hash the caller and partially set up the memory/stack for... |
11/11/21 11:19 | United States | paradigm.xyz |
波卡众贷的机遇与风险_鸵鸟区块链_火星财经 |
1 DOT = 33 Parallel (通过Parallel Auction Loan参与)
6.Crust Network
Crust Network目标是建立去中心化的云生态系统,实现分布式存储的激励层协议,适用于 多种存储层协议(例如IPFS),并为应用层提供支持。
Crust Network的总竞拍奖励为Crust总供应量的5%,共计一百万枚CRU代币,还 可以通过参与Clover The LUCKY Gachapon幸运扭蛋活动,获得额外奖励。Crust... |
11/11/21 10:26 | China | news.huoxing24.com |
比特币实时节点分布-玩币族 |
...节点软件系统是基 于 IPFS, 由管理节点和数据服务节点组成,具备以下功能:实时(秒级)检测集群内数据服务节点的 存活状态, 在感知到节点网络异常后, ... 延迟, 和数据服务节点-管理节点之间的通信情况, 结合数据服...
比特币等加密货币是基于区块链技术生成的 ,该类型加密货币系统支持账户生成和实时交易,具有账户匿名、网络非中心化运行、账.. . |
11/11/21 06:11 | China | blockvalue.com |
PP钱包靠谱吗-玩币族 |
...中心、美国阿波罗登月计划、加拿大政府、 美国国会图书馆、万维网、imToken钱包、EOS等。FileCoin又是什么刚才 提到的FileCoin就是IPFS的激励项目,类似比特币。其目的就是为了更有效的让大众参和推动IPFS。Filecoin的前景:矿机咨询V(g6y87777)1.Filecoin项目一 经推出就获得世界顶级八大风投机构争相投资,其...
矿机,矿工,挖矿,类似比特币 |
11/11/21 04:16 | China | blockvalue.com |
FIL币单日成交量超过比特币以太坊总和|数字货币|fil_网易订阅 |
记住那个不断地和你分享IPFS /filecoin的人,你以后会感谢她的。
如果你错过IPFS/filecoin ,将错过一个时代。他不是一个什么普通项目,也不是一个什么盘。它是互联网第二代底层 协议。把FIL币当作主流虚拟数字货币是严重的错误!FIL币是超主流的存在 。IPFSFIL ecoin有深层含义,它不是挖矿那么简单,否则FIL币单日成交量不可以超过比特币 和以太坊的总和。慎记:这条公链能改变互联网格局,将来它是币王,更是公链之王。
欢 迎大家关注:老盖谈分布式储存。 |
11/11/21 03:00 | China | 163.com |
行业关注《科技日报》IPFS报道 区块链“新风口”产业化如何实现_中华网 |
记者采访了国内专注于分布式加密存储一体化技术服务企业安迈 云相关负责人。据介绍,该企业在IPFS领域有着多年的实践经验,在IPFS领域拥有众多核心技术,其研发的“安迈云分 ...
除了像安迈云这样的企业在投入IPFS技术的研发,众多科研院所和高校也参与到了IPFS技术的研发,今年4月,复旦大学IPFS课题研发小组、中国产业发展研究院分布式存储研究中心、中科院云计算中心成立分布式存储 联合实验室陆续成立。由此看出IPFS产业化过... |
10/11/21 16:48 | China | tech.china.com |
RandomEarth 🌎 |
Wavezzz's founder rugged, but we want to share: - Secondary trading to go online, royalty set to 0% - HD IPFS image will be linked from Item page - Community members have reached out, and will create a new Discord for the project. Humbled to see this decentralized response. |
12/11/21 11:13 | British Indian Ocean Territory | twitter.com |
M👀svi |
Not even 9 AM and @katecursed is teaching @aGENDAdao members how to run their own IPFS node from a raspberry pi. This is the way 💜 |
12/11/21 10:55 | United States | twitter.com |
Crypto Holder Forbidden Club 🅁🅅🄽 |
GM Crypto addict Today 19h UTC, 25 new busted CryptoHolders will be released at @JustNFTs. Don't miss it and come to the club with your CryptoHolder ! A 1111 unique IPFS assets collection minted with @MangoFarmAssets. They are waiting you ! #Ravencoin #crypto #NFTshill #NFT https://t.co/Lh2j3wEZpr |
12/11/21 10:49 | United States | twitter.com |
𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐞 the 𝕮𝖚𝖗𝖘𝖊𝖉 🂽⚧️Ξ |
rip HEN 2021-2021 will update my personal site with objkt links today for my legacy work on the Tezos blockchain. everything is safe, IPFS pins still work, just the front-facing hicetnunc website is gone. |
12/11/21 10:38 | United States | twitter.com |
Wild Thesaurus |
...99% of OpenSea NFTs are not stored on IPFS, are centralized and subject to the platform being operational itself. It's understandable, who can afford $300 just to freeze the Metadata? |
12/11/21 10:31 | United States | twitter.com |
Designcollector.eth |
@Kaloh_nft The only thing is unclear apart from IPFS issues, is "Right now, Hic et nunc fees (2.5% of all sales) are still going to Rafael." (creator) |
12/11/21 10:29 | United States | twitter.com |
monishkrishnakanth |
@kasta_app @IvanOnTech @MoralisWeb3 Money Tree @moneytreecoin Launched on BSC Multiple on-chain games Video game *Win $Money/Nft 1 million upgradeable NFTs on IPFS *Weekly lottery *Weekly dividends from NFT sales *Partnership with CHAINLINK (More giveaways ongoing in telegram channel) CMC REWARD PARTNERSHIP |
12/11/21 08:29 | United States | twitter.com |
mitchallen.art |
It’s time to focus on decentralized NFT marketplaces. Clearly the current model has issues. The contracts and transactions are safe. But you have to pin all your metadata, artwork, thumbnails etc else if the marketplace owner deletes his IPFS storage or gateway - poof! #ipfs |
12/11/21 08:10 | United States | twitter.com |
Harshal Delekar |
🎲 Money Tree - The Fair & Fun Blockchain Gaming Platform 🎲 Summary 🎉 Launched on BSC on 16th Oct - No presale 🕹 Multiple 100% on-chain mini-games - Win $MONEY & NFTs 🌳 1 Million deflationary Money Tree NFTs on IPFS @MoneyTreeCoin |
12/11/21 08:03 | United States | twitter.com |
Lars Hansson🤘 |
@curvethots @LizagnaNoodles @chhopsky @docsquiddy ipfs is a peer-to-peer network, like bittorent. it doesn't use blockchain at all. Yes, cryptopunks does store on-chain but that only work because the images are very small. So your ape here, for example, is not on-chain. |
12/11/21 07:20 | Philippines | twitter.com |
tezos.casa ꜩ |
@TezTools Do you know what tool they are using? I've been pinning everything, too. I'm using https://t.co/IRMLuugSks But it's going slow. (Probably need to run more instances of ipfs, since it's the bottle neck, ATM) Cc:@dns |
12/11/21 06:44 | United States | twitter.com |
Beeru Jaat |
@TheWolfofHODL 💰Money Tree 🌴 @MoneyTreeCoin Launched on BSC Multiple 💯% on-chain games 🎮 *Win $Money/Nft 1 million upgradeable NFTs on IPFS *Weekly lottery *Weekly devidends from NFT sales *Partnership with CHAINLINK |
12/11/21 06:36 | United States | twitter.com |
Beeru Jaat |
@CryptoBotWallet 💰Money Tree 🌴 @MoneyTreeCoin Launched on BSC Multiple 💯% on-chain games 🎮 *Win $Money/Nft 1 million upgradeable NFTs on IPFS *Weekly lottery *Weekly devidends from NFT sales *Partnership with CHAINLINK |
12/11/21 06:30 | United States | twitter.com |
Cris 🧩 |
@pazlydev is the #nocode website builder that works with both today’s internet and tomorrows decentralised websites #IPFS #blockchain #web3 |
12/11/21 06:24 | United States | twitter.com |
onno of brusque-abstruss🐾 |
@NessunEra @pastullio @nicodotgay Unofficial? I thought we were decentralized! Bro, don't think about initiatives like arweave and IPFS and how perm storage can further develop. Bro, wait until you find out about nfts that are on-chain, it's crazy. Those are sooooooo bad for the environment. |
12/11/21 05:29 | United States | twitter.com |
R̸̯͚̯͉͚̘̘̥̦͑̎̊̂͜͝͝𝖔𝖌𝖚𝖊 悪党 |
@The_Kid_Icarus @hicetnunc2000 Yea it is always good to store your stuff on ipfs :D All nfts minted on hen are still stored on ipfs and are still accessible and interactable on https://t.co/YvKbREpebL :D Nothing much has changed about hen only that the founder raf decided to leave :D |
12/11/21 05:22 | United States | twitter.com |
Podipaiyan |
Now that HEN is discontinued, who was hosting the Ipfs for all objkts? Does objkt dot com or others has a replica of images? |
12/11/21 04:50 | United States | twitter.com |
monishkrishnakanth |
@ladyincrypto @crypto_pikachu1 💰Money Tree 🌴 @moneytreecoin Launched on BSC Multiple 💯% on-chain games 🎮 *Win $Money/Nft 1 million upgradeable NFTs on IPFS *Weekly lottery *Weekly dividends from NFT sales *Partnership with CHAINLINK (More giveaways ongoing in telegram channel) CMC REWARD PARTNERSHIP |
12/11/21 03:05 | United States | twitter.com |
Mahesh |
@CoinMarketCap @ManCity 💰Money Tree 🌴 @MoneyTreeCoin Launched on BSC Multiple 💯% on-chain games 🎮 *Win $Money/Nft 1 million upgradeable NFTs on IPFS *Weekly lottery *Weekly devidends from NFT sales *Partnership with CHAINLINK |
12/11/21 02:54 | United States | twitter.com |
Jason Won |
@thatguyintech @pinatacloud snazzy thx for sharing IPFS is interesting |
12/11/21 02:43 | United States | twitter.com |
AlienDrone |
@neymrqz @HIC_AF I got one, but IPFS link seems to be broken or something. Not sure. It shows up on OBJKT but IPFS doesn't load anything. Can you test it to check if problem is on my end or is the actual mint? |
12/11/21 00:48 | Canada | twitter.com |
JoΞy Roth (☕️,☕️) |
@HammerZ_NFT Fully on-chain (no ipfs), 1/1 or low-count series generated with verifiable randomness are the future blue chips |
12/11/21 00:13 | United States | twitter.com |
DNS.xyz |
@ygormarotta @tezos @hicetnunc2000 Absolutely. DNS is built on IPFS + ENS + Tezos + Ceramic + Textile. So we want it all to be decentralized. |
11/11/21 23:29 | United States | twitter.com |
MathMakesArt |
I'm seeing a lot of confusion in the #HicEtNunc community. If you have specific questions, feel free to ask below and I'll try to answer. YOUR COLLECTIONS & CREATIONS ARE SAFE. Don't panic. You own the tokens on-chain in your wallet, and the off-chain metadata is stored on IPFS. |
11/11/21 23:07 | United States | twitter.com |
Fractal |
@chrishatesjazz @sharifaee @objktcom You do need to "pin" the items cache on ipfs. There are services available from @NFTBiker and @metanivek |
11/11/21 23:01 | New Zealand | twitter.com |
ivanz.(eth|tez) |
When things break down is really when you start understanding the power of decentralization. While on the surface things are ok for now, there's still an issue of storage. IPFS isn't free, you have to be running nodes to host all the art, how to make this more sustainable? |
11/11/21 22:46 | United States | twitter.com |
Emeraldie |
Belum ada pernyataan resmi dari @hicetnunc2000. Tp intinya: - HEH sulit diakses, tapi oBJkt[dot]com dan laman tezos lain msh jalan. - NFT tetap aman karena tersimpan dalam IPFS dan blockchain. - Tezos tetap aman karena wallet msh live. ...(contd.) |
11/11/21 22:06 | Indonesia | twitter.com |
Napoléon Bonaparte MMXXI |
@Microgemanisms I run a node on my personal computer. You can do it too. Also, the contract paid for storage on IPFS which is incentivized to keep it up (people are paid in some kind of coin to run a certain kind of node). I read about it months ago, so don't sue me |
11/11/21 21:55 | United States | twitter.com |
__orderandchaos |
@itsaherring @jenjustjen3 @1x1_NFT @sygmod Artists and collectors should be pinning the work on IPFS. You can use @NFTBiker's pinning tool + @pinatacloud to do that. |
11/11/21 21:27 | United Kingdom | twitter.com |
MummRa |
looks like #hicetnunc its down. you can check your nfts @HIC_AF and @objktcom All is there, meanwhile tezos and IPFS dont evaporate from earth, your nfts will be there. (the power of blockchain) #tezos #nft #hen @hicetnuncla |
11/11/21 20:20 | United States | twitter.com |
JgvOh |
@intocryptoverse Check out $PAC Lots of partnerships and new products coming out. #yanDNA IPFS based secure and hack proof file/data storage #ownyourdata #yanSAFE master node setup is so simple even a cave man can do it. https://t.co/Lx0L9WY39i |
11/11/21 16:11 | United States | twitter.com |
Magister and Technological Lich |
@Atom_Hernandez @luke_pighetti @ken_wheeler IPFS is a routing service. You still pay for hosting all assets with a pin service. For the lifetime of the works viability as a resellable token. Other than eating into trade royalty, how is that paid for? |
11/11/21 15:50 | United States | twitter.com |
C҉ ҉U҉ ҉R҉ ҉i҉ ҉ |
"Once a file is added to the IPFS network, the content of that file cannot be changed without altering the content identifier (CID) of the file." "Every piece of content that uses the IPFS protocol has a content identifier, or CID, that is its hash. " #ipfs #hicetnunc #nft |
11/11/21 14:45 | United States | twitter.com |
Brent Miller |
@MetaMaskSupport I can’t swap, or remove liquidity using my MetaMask Wallet, and when i look in the advanced settings it says that my ipfs gateway is down, it has been a week now and I’ve had zero help, please contact me |
11/11/21 14:39 | Canada | twitter.com |
nftease.eth.link |
Hey there web3 peeps! Check out this little NFT experience 😄 https://t.co/zfwfkEqxRD (single html page site hosted on ipfs with @ensdomains 🙃) @noahkalina @jstn @mikedemarais @adamlisagor @ptrbkr @withFND @opensea @GlamBeckettArt |
11/11/21 14:35 | Congo | twitter.com |
C҉ ҉U҉ ҉R҉ ҉i҉ ҉ |
it's weird coz i feel there are plenty of people/engineers that can explain these things much more simply but almost never for whatever reason (detachment, ego, et al). More artists and collectors understanding IPFS will help create significant confidence in NFTs imo |
11/11/21 13:19 | United States | twitter.com |
Tom Granot |
@shakedko @tizkiko @_orcaman @barzik @shemag8 @omrihaviv @rinaarts בחברה הקודמת בניתי כלי מוניטורינג פנימיים (עבדנו עם IPFS#, שהאקוסיסטם שלו עוד מתפתח, אז מילאתי חוסרים), ואחת השאלות הגדולות שנשאלו היא באמת במה אנשים ישתמשו. זה היה ממש greenfield - לא היה כלום והתלבטנו מה לבנות. |
11/11/21 10:58 | Israel | twitter.com |
Ed Salazar |
@Frances_Coppola @davidgerard A clarification: by "what you see" is what you can screen-grab from the OS page. You can still grab the original, through its IPFS. But you can't view it without the requisite credentials. |
11/11/21 10:53 | United Kingdom | twitter.com |
Adam |
Our team brings the art, blockchain, IPFS, marketplace, and structure together for organizations to explore this emerging space. We are super lucky to have found such a team all over the world! |
11/11/21 09:52 | United States | twitter.com |
Cirque |
And this is where Russ / JPEG Collectors, comes into play. Gambler actively pushed people from his server to JPEG Collectors and Russ started to instantly shill "Evolving Foxes". (The second 2k+ people joined from IPFS, he started to shill this). |
11/11/21 08:24 | United States | twitter.com |
Denarius Market Cap Achieves $2.61 Million (D) |
...Stake (6% APR) entirely after the first 3 years. Denarius also has Proof of Data and IPFS built into the wallet. The wallet runs on all existing Operating Systems and for those who use Coinomi wallet, you can find it there as well. Denarius has a... |
12/11/21 09:30 | United States | zolmax.com |
国境なき医師団、医療記録保存にブロックチェーン活用 |あたらしい経済 |
ま た こ の プ ラ ッ ト フ ォ ー ム に は, P2P フ ァ イ ル 共有 プ ロ ト コ ル で あ る IPFS 技術 が 採用 さ れ て お り, ユ ー ザ ー の デ ー タ を 地理 的 に 分散 す る こ と で, 機密 デ ー タ の ハ ッ キ ン グ や 漏洩 を 困難 に し て い る と の こ と だ.
ト ラ ン ス ク リ プ ト ス の 発 表 に よ る と, 今 回 の 提携 に よ り... |
12/11/21 05:44 | United States | ky.bitcoinethereumnews.com |
BGFS: KEY INFORMATION - BoredGirlfriends.club - Medium |
...various rarity living on the Ethereum blockchain as ERC-721 tokens and hosted on IPFS.
Six different types: Hybrid, Golden, Alien, Demon, Zombie, Leopard, Human
Art Concept :
In addition to the artistic aspect of the design:
Each BGFS owner will... |
11/11/21 22:15 | United States | medium.com |
Crust Shadow - Adam Steeber - Medium |
...submit orders to the Crust blockchain to pin IPFS files onto Crust nodes. It is seldom that a project has a functioning ... to the network where users can pin their IPFS-hashed files. Upon receiving an order, a node operator stores the file locally... |
11/11/21 20:50 | United States | adam-steeber.medium.com |
ALEPH.IM NETWORK NEDIR? - Cassini - Medium |
...için blok zincirine toplu içerik yazma
• IPFS verilerini sabitleme (veri çoğaltma)
• API sunucusu merkezi olmayan
Veri depolama
Verilerin hashes zincir üzerinde saklanır. Verilerin kendisi IPFS’de şifrelenmiş olarak depolanır veya... |
11/11/21 12:51 | United States | medium.com |
Web3 is not decentralization |
...tech communities and the backend of services such as Twitch.tv's chat.
Case Study: IPFS
IFPS, the Interplanetary File System is a modern example of a decentralized protocol. It solves the problem of documents and files only having a single source... |
11/11/21 08:35 | United States | invisibleup.com |
Discussions |
48 new results
QUESTION What stoping me from just screenshoting NFTS? |
If you go to actual NFT metadata you will find a link to its image, which is always publically accessible. Sometimes it's a link to IPFS, sometimes it's just a google drive link. Basically, every NFT is a record in blockchain that says: "Hey, there... |
12/11/21 04:44 | United States | reddit.com |
Siacoin vs Storj vs Filecoin |
The brave browser also supports IPFS. Having a distributed protocol for fetching files (along with a distributed Domain Name System) is a requirement if Web 3.0 is going to work. Seems like all the... |
12/11/21 04:14 | United States | reddit.com |
wursk zczcv wooia |
...zhfc nwla heys qfdl wehx ihbv tlww uldi mtnq mgtk hmty pybe nbsf pibn svpg wsdu fsby ipfs pyok jelu flvd lmpp qwnh atqy nwqa pejv gtlm otdg ogya kqpp quxj svqf vznw lazl tqle axow eotz yocu gizk tppe nygk xczx hwku xewb umge cvjd pwwr dasr ypxm ubje... |
12/11/21 00:17 | Germany | emrald.de |
What the Devs are Doing (11/11/21) |
...Unifaucet is deployed and gathering partners, heck yea defi tools. \- Hogemint now uses IPFS and AWS Lambda for image processing, increasing your NFT stability & lowering the cost to you. As a reminder, anything I brand with the hoge name gets 10%... |
12/11/21 00:12 | United States | reddit.com |
Daily General Discussion - November 10, 2021 |
I just uploaded a sceenshot of an NFT I own to Pinata. They turn it into an IPFS or some shit and then you copy the new code generated in Pinata and paste that back into zksync and that makes an NFT. Basically any image will do. |
11/11/21 20:26 | United States | reddit.com |
Artist_irl |
The image doesn't necessarily have to be on a private server. I think they are often stored on IPFS, though I admit I have yet to take the time to learn more about what IPFS is and how it works, so I only have a vague understanding. |
11/11/21 17:19 | United States | reddit.com |
NFTs are more than digital art |
...MortgageCalculators.Crypto/, EthereumPrice.Crypto/ They are free blockchain websites NFTs live on the IPFS and are totally decentralized. These asset classes allow you to increase the value by building something awesome and growing the blockchain... |
11/11/21 10:47 | United States | reddit.com |
Has this ever been deboonked? Technology 4chan |
Instead of living in fear do things like using the NT source code leaks to improve wine. Release as anon. Host repos where they can't be taken down (like ipfs). Crack into Nvidia servers and leak their driver source code. Use it to make free... |
11/11/21 09:58 | United States | 4chan.org |
...accessing a file is gonna host it , if i opened a random img on ipfs gateways.. i'm immediately part of this .. does this mean that ipfs will look for the file on my cache also if anyone else is trying to get the file? am i acting as a node even tho... |
11/11/21 08:52 | United States | reddit.com |
GitHub is not Decentralized |
...decentralization with other blockchains that have less utility. Alternatively, we could use IPFS for the front-end and data storage, Chainlink for computing and Ethereum for the back-end, but that would increase complexity and cost to the nth... |
11/11/21 08:25 | United States | reddit.com |
Redpill me on Odysee Technology 4chan |
...11/11/21(Thu)09:52:19 No.84259828 Anonymous 11/11/21(Thu)09:52:19 No.84259828 Apparantly this is how IPFS storage works. If it's hosted by at least one node, it can't be deleted/will be accesible from the Odysee (frontend) URL... |
11/11/21 05:52 | United States | 4chan.org |
NFT collection distributor generative art contest |
...stored on-chain upload of the collection media to the main net or drive-chain or IPFS minting by the administrator (zero fees) minting by the user with a pre-defined minting price User flow The following steps will be performed by the user to see... |
10/11/21 21:46 | United States | bitcointalk.org |
Конкурс дистрибьюторов коллекции NFT |
...в цепочке загрузка коллекционных носителей в основную сеть, приводную цепочку или IPFS чеканка администратором (нулевая комиссия) чеканка пользователем с заранее определенной ценой чеканки Поток пользователей Пользователь выполнит следующие шаги... |
10/11/21 21:03 | United States | bitcointalk.org |